Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The BEST Natural Face Mask with Ingredients Straight from your Home!

I wanted to share a face mask that I make and use that I am absolutely in love with!

What I love about it is, it uses simple ingredients, easy to make, and your face will thank you for using it, really! Just a heads up before I give the ingredients and let you lovely people throw a face mask party, if you are allergic to any of the 3 ingredients used, please DO NOT make this mask and DO NOT put it on your face!

You have been warned. ;)

One last thing,, when I make this mask my face tingles, not in a painful way, I actually like the feeling.

Finally, here are the ingredients I use to make the mask which I found a while ago on the internet and just can't remember where. I did modify it because the original I read made way too much, and I would end up throwing most of it away.


1 Tablesoon Plain Yogurt
1 Teaspoon of Honey
2 Tablespoons of Banana

Mix it up, smush it up, put it on your face. Leave it on your face for 10-20 minutes and then, rinse it off with water.

That's it ladies and gentlemen!

After rinsing, your face will feel like it died and went to heaven! The only way you will understand what I am talking about is if you try it.


Honey is good for  dry skin, skin with acne, wrinkles,  infection.

Yogurt - The lactic acid in yogurt helps with exfoliating and moisturizing your skin, and helps reduce the wrinkles in your skin. (a triple whammy!)

Banana-  The potassium in banana is good for keeping your skin hydrated and moist and the lectins in banana help protect your skin from bacteria.

There are a lot more benefits the all three ingredients have that are beneficial for your skin, but I kind of touched up on few of the basics. I hope this is helpful to all, and if you are still reading this, I know for a fact you are thinking about making that youthful mask that will have your skin glowing and breathing ever-so happily!

Have a lovely Thanksgiving Holiday everyone!

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